I got interested today in trying to come up with a solid way of determining when updates were last applied to a RHEL-derived Linux instance. Previously we’d been inferring it from the kernel version, but it turns out there is a convenient “yum history” or “dnf history” command which will show you all the previous transactions that the package database has seen. However, the output is hard to parse in a script.
So here instead, is a little python script which does the thing. Feel free to mangle it to meet your needs:
import time
import dnf.base
b = dnf.base.Base()
for transaction in b.history.old():
print(f'Transaction id: {transaction.tid}')
print(f'Command line: {transaction.cmdline}')
print(f'UID: {transaction.loginuid}')
print(f'Return code: {transaction.return_code}')
start = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(transaction.beg_timestamp))
end = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(transaction.end_timestamp))
elapsed = transaction.end_timestamp - transaction.beg_timestamp
print(f'Duration: {start} -> {end} ({elapsed} seconds)')
for tran in transaction.packages():
if tran.is_package():
details = f'{tran.name} {tran.version}'
elif tran.is_group():
g = tran.get_group()
packages = []
for pkg in g.getPackages():
details = f'Group "{g.getName()}" ({", ".join(packages)})'
elif tran.is_environment():
e = tran.get_environment()
details = f'Environment "{e.getName()}"'
details = '...unknown transaction type!'
print(f' {tran.action_name} {details}')
To find only whole system updates, you’d look for command lines containing “upgrade” I suspect.