Another email archived for historical reasons.
I'd also like to announce my TC candidacy. I am currently a member of the TC, and I would like to continue to serve. I first started hacking on Nova during the Diablo release, with my first code contributions appearing in the Essex release. Since then I've hacked mostly on Nova and Oslo, although I have also contributed to many other projects as my travels have required. For example, I've tried hard to keep various projects in sync with their imports of parts of Oslo I maintain. I work full time on OpenStack at Rackspace, leading a team of developers who work solely on upstream open source OpenStack. I am a Nova and Oslo core reviewer and the Nova PTL. I have been serving on the TC for the last year, and in the Icehouse release started acting as the liaison for the board "defcore" committee along with Anne Gentle. "defcore" is the board effort to define what parts of OpenStack we require vendors to ship in order to be able to use the OpenStack trade mark, so it involves both the board and the TC. That liaison relationship is very new and only starting to be effective now, so I'd like to keep working on that if you're willing to allow it.