(The featured image for this post is by hobbymb on flickr).
So, its been a couple of days since I went mad and decided I should run a weekend conference. A bit has happened in that time, so here’s a quick status update…
First off, people have bought tickets! In fact, we’ve sold 20% of my original goal of 50 tickets, which is pretty impressive for a conference with no venue or agenda. Thanks to everyone who has made a leap of faith and done that thing. One of the things that I need to sort out is public liability insurance, and I am chasing quotes for that at the moment. Its hard to tell how many tickets I need to sell to cover the cost of that as I have no idea what the insurance will cost yet.
In other positive news, a surprising number of people have offered to present as well. The current plan is to try and focus on talks which have a good chance of leaving people to want to have a hack on the Sunday. I’d love to be in a place where people have to make hard choices about what to hack on because there is more than one thing that excites them on the Saturday. That said, keep the proposals rolling in to the talk proposals form.
That said, I’ve accepted our first talk, which is from Richard Jones. Richard has kindly agreed to come up from Melbourne to run a tutorial on writing Minecraft Mods in Python for people with limited Python experience. I know that’s not super deep technically, but I am excited by getting my own kids into a room with a smart developer with significant teaching experience and I’m hoping other people are too.
A reminder of the details — the first Saturday and Sunday in December (3-4 December) in Canberra. A basic non-conference, with a room, a set of speakers, and a lot of enthusiasm. Only $20 to attend to cover some simple venue costs.
So you know what to do people! Use the little box thingie down below to buy a ticket!