I was curious about the newly available FTTN NBN service in my area, so I signed up to see what’s what. Of course, I need a usage API so that I can graph my usage in prometheus and grafana as everyone does these days. So I asked Aussie. The response I got was that I…
Author: mikal
Raspberry Pi HAT identity EEPROMs, a simple guide
I’ve been working on a RFID scanner than can best be described as an overly large Raspberry Pi HAT recently. One of the things I am grappling with as I get closer to production boards is that I need to be able to identify what version of the HAT is currently installed — the software…
Trail run: the base of Urambi Hill
This one has been on my list for a little while — a nice 10km loop around the bottom of Urambi Hill. I did it as an out and back, although there is a loop option if you cross the bridge that was my turn around point. For the loop option cross the bridge, run…
What is Gang Scan?
Gang Scan is an open source (and free) attendance tracking system based on custom RFID reader boards that communicate back to a server over wifi. The boards are capable of queueing scan events in the case of intermittent network connectivity, and the server provides simple reporting.
1-Wire home automation tutorial from linux.conf.au 2019, part 3
This is the third in a set of posts about the home automation tutorial from linux.conf.au 2019. You should probably read part 1 and part 2 before this post. In the end Alistair decided that my home automation shield was defective, which is the cause of the errors from the past post. So I am…
Mount Bimberi on a Scout Bushwalking Course
Julian Yates kindly ran a bushwalking course for Scouts Australia over the last five days, which covered walking in Uncontrolled Terrain (the definition in the Australian VET scheme for the most difficult bushwalking — significant off track navigation in areas where emergency response will be hard to get). I helped with some of the instruction,…
A nerd snipe, in which I learn to read gerber files
So, I had the realisation last night that the biggest sunk cost with getting a PCB made in China is the shipping. The boards are about 50 cents each, and then its $25 for shipping (US dollars of course). I should therefore be packing as many boards into a single order as possible to reduce…
Gangscan 0.6 boards
So I’ve been pottering away for a while working on getting the next version of the gang scan boards working. These ones are much nicer: thicker tracks for signals, better labelling, support for a lipo battery charge circuit, a prototype audio circuit, and some LEDs to indicate status. I had them fabbed at the same…
Trigs map
A while ago I had a map of all the trig points in the ACT and links to the posts I’d written during my visits. That had atrophied over time. I’ve just spent some time fixing it up again, and its now at https://www.madebymikal.com/trigs_map.html — I hope its useful to someone else.
Trail run: Tuggeranong Stone Wall loop
The Tuggeranong Stone wall is a 140 year old boundary between to former stations. Its also a nice downhill start to a trail run. This loop involves starting at the Hyperdome, following the wall down, and the continuing along to Pine Island before returning. Partially shaded, and with facilities at the Hyperdome and Pine Island….