This is the third book in the Leviathan Wakes series by James SA Corey. Just as good as the first two, this is a story about how much a daughter loves her father, perhaps beyond reason, moral choices, and politics — just as much as it is the continuation of the story arc around the alien visitor….
Author: mikal
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
We’ve owned this book for a while, but ironically Catherine lost it for a bit. It seems very topical at the moment because of the Marie Kondo craze, but its been floating around our house for probably a year. The book is written by an 80+ year old and explains the Swedish tradition of sorting…
Best Foot Forward
Catherine and I have been huge fans of Adam Hills for ages, so it wasn’t a surprise to me that I’d like a book by him. As an aside, we’ve never seen him live — we had tickets for his show in Canberra in 2013, but some of us ended up in labor in hospital instead,…
Support for Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi GPIOs in Home Assistant
So, I’ve been off in the GPIO library salt mines for a while, but am now ready to circle back and document how to get GPIO inputs and outputs working in Home Assistant. This now works on both Raspberry Pi and OrangePi, assuming that my patch gets merged. First off, let’s talk about GPIO outputs….
Updated examples for OrangePi GPIOs
As part of working through adding OrangePi support to Home Assistant, Alastair and I decided to change to a different GPIO library for OrangePi to avoid the requirement for Home Assistant to have access to /dev/mem. I just realised that I hadn’t posted updated examples of how to do GPIO output with the new library….
GPIO inputs on Raspberry Pi
Now that I have GPIO outputs working nicely for Home Assistant using either a Raspberry Pi or an Orange Pi, I want to get GPIO inputs working as well. Naively, that’s pretty easy to do in python on the Raspberry Pi: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) while True: print('Reading…')…
Pull Requests for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial
A quick list of things I did for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial. Of course Alistair did a lot more, but I still want to track these. Add OrangePi GPIO support to Home Assistant (declined) Document OrangePi GPIO support in Home Assistant (declined) Add OrangePi Prime GPIO pinouts to OPi.GPIO (merged, and released) Expose pullup…
Further adventures in Home Assistant OrangePi GPIO
Its funny how a single sentence can change your course. In the last post about this work, I said: We also need to run hass as root, because OrangePi GPIO support requires access to /dev/mem for reasons I haven’t dug into just yet. That’s turned out to be (reasonably) a pretty big sticking point upstream. Access to…
Adventures in Home Assistant Raspberry Pi GPIO
Alastair D’Silva is running what looks to be a very well prepared home automation tutorial at LCA2019 based on Home Assistant. I offered to have a hack on the support for GPIO pins on OrangePi boards in Home Assistant because it sounded interesting for a vacation week. The only catch being that I’d never done anything…
The Consuming Fire
Another fast run read from Mr Scalzi, this book is the sequel to The Collapsing Empire. I think this book is actually better than the first, which I guess is fair given the first had to set the universe up. I particularly like the twist about two thirds of the way through this one, and I…