I must say I am pleased with the Amazon rank for the MythTV book. The ranks seem volatile though — the other day it was doing well in “Linux books”, now its doing well in “video books”.
Author: mikal
Roomba serial cables
Similarly, I should build a serial cable for my Roomba sometime. Howto.
Dead Roomba battery
My Roomba’s battery is dead. Am I brave enough to make my own new one? Probably not, but I’ll make a note of the howto, so I can go it next time.
Noisy neighbours at Central Park in Mountain View
Its 5am my time, and I’ve been awake since 3am. Not from choice though — its the downstairs neighbours waking us up yet again. They’re shift workers you see, and must either sleep with construction hearing protection on, or be deaf. Either way, they seem to think its ok to stand outside our apartment at…
Illegal download sites for the MythTV book
In the last week, I have discovered three download sites offering illegal downloads of the MythTV book e-book. If I can find three without really trying, I assume there are a lot more of them out there. This raises a question for which I don’t have a good answer. Do illegal downloads of books increase,…
MythNetTV release 2
This release has bug fixes (including code from “nickca” for FLV support), and some new minor features. Enjoy! Started working harder to ensure video filenames are unique once imported into MythTV, I now prepend video files with epoch seconds at time of import DIVX (not divx) doesn’t need transcode, added. Check for the existence of…
Schedules direct is live!
Ok, for those of us in the US, we’ll be glad to know that Schedules Direct is now live with two weeks to spare. It seems that the easiest way to perform the upgrade is to upgrade to 0.20.2, and then change the configuration to use SD instead of Zap2IT. Note that I haven’t done…
I feel like this engineer
I am currently transporting a bounty that has been frozen in carbonite with a device you created. I have been told to direct any questions or comments I might have your way. The Inbox Of Nardo Pace, The Empire’s Worst Engineer (via Good Gord).
Guide data update
Its been a while since I have commented on the state of US guide data for MythTV here. That’s mainly been because I have been waiting for the situation to become more clear. At this stage there are some interesting things to report: zap2it shutdown is still slated for September 1, 2007 MythTV developers, and…
Video and slides from the Google talk
I’m a little slow at posting this, because I’ve been really busy. Google had the video of the MythTV talk online a day after the talk, which was nice. I haven’t watched it myself, but hopefully it turned out ok. The talk got a little exciting when I had to reboot one of the machines…