Ok, so this is a classic. I hadn’t read it in years though, and it’s still awesome. Loved it. Things to note that I hadn’t thought of before — “SubEtha” is talked about a lot, that probably explains “SubEtha Edit” which is an editor I have used in the past; the term “Googleplex” is used…
Category: Book
Dawnspell: The Bristling Wood
This is the third book in the Deverry series, and is very readable. This book is a little different from the previous two because the two plots aren’t as strongly linked as they have been in the previous two books. In previous books they’ve been interleaved, whereas in this book the first half of the…
Prince of the Blood
This is a follow on to the Riftwar Series that follows Borric and Erland (Arthura’s sons) as they travel to Kesh for the Empress’ 75th birthday celebrations. Along the way they grow up quite a lot, and learn what it means to rule. To be honest, the story is ok, but a little shallow. Its…
The Compleat Bolo
I read this book on flights. This book is a collection of several Bolo short stories, as well as two longer stories. This was a pretty common technique it seems with early science fiction, and it works ok here as long as you remember that the chapters are unlinked short stories. In fact, several of…
Battlefields Beyond Tomorrow
I read this anthology as a child, but when I found a copy on ebay that was cheap I couldn’t resist. This is a collection of short stories focusing on what war might be like in the future. It’s a good read, although a couple of the stories are out of place compared with the…
Bio of a Space Tyrant: Refugee
I’m not really sure what I think about this book. Its well written, and very readable, but depressing. The book starts with a sexual assault, and then moves on to describe what its like to be the minimum wage labor in a space colony. The short answer — its not much fun. Worse than that,…
Books read in December 2008
Death Bringer Earth Thunder Darkspell Polgara the Sorceress Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Cyborg Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Prodigy Daughter of the Empire
Daughter of the Empire
This is a really good book. It was a delight to find something so good that it kept me up well past my bed time several nights running. I really enjoyed this one — its set on Kelwan, the planet that invades Midkemia in the Riftwar series, and is written from the perspective of the…
Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Prodigy
This is the fourth book in the Robot City series, which is based in Asimov’s Foundation universe. This one follows Odyssey, Suspicion and Cyborg. This book has quite a different style, the robot characters using quite convoluted sentences, which I found annoying. It is a little jarring in this series that each book is by…
Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Cyborg
This is the third book in the Robot City series, which is based in Asimov’s Foundation universe. This one follows Odyssey and Suspicion, and is a pretty good book. Its also a very fast read. The robot-wandering-the-city subplot is very reminiscent of Caliban, which is yet another Asimov spinoff. The plot lines are different enough…