The conclusion to the Malloreon. Quite a good read, although the plot twists are predictable. [isbn: 0345377591]
Category: Book
Books read in September 2008
Enchanters’ End Game Robot Visions Forward the Foundation Foundation Foundation and Empire Guardians of the West The Stainless Steel Rat for President King of the Murgos Second Foundation Sticklers, Sideburns and Bikinis (not fully read yet, its a reference book) Foundation’s Fear (didn’t finish cause it sucked) Demon Lord of Karanda Sorceress of Darshiva
Sorceress of Darshiva
This is book four of the Malloreon. It feels like not much happens in this book, although there is plot development happening. I guess it more feels like this book is a connector between the book before and the book after, and not much more. On the other hand, it was an engaging read. [isbn:…
Demon Lord of Karanda
I needed something to cheer me up after the previous sucky book. This one did the trick. Again its pretty standard Fantasy stuff, and there were no surprises, but its fun to read. [isbn: 0345363310]
Foundation’s Fear
This book is a solid zero stars in my mind. I got to page 372, but simply couldn’t wade through the chore any longer. The plot meanders, and its not clear to me where the story is going. Worse still, basically nothing has happened yet. I am a little surprised, given the generally positive LibraryThing…
Sticklers, Sideburns and Bikinis
This is the second book I have got from the LibraryThing early reviewer program (the previous book was The Spy Within). I’m going to have to be honest with this book and say that I haven’t read all of it yet. Its basically a dictionary and I don’t tend to read those cover to cover….
Second Foundation
I am starting to think that there is something missing in the Foundation trilogy. Specifically, there isn’t much action. Most of it is just people talking at each other — with pages and pages of dialog. This makes these three books much harder to read (and therefore less compelling) than those elsewhere in the extended…
King of the Murgos
This is book two of the Malloreon, the sequel series to the Belgariad. Some people complain that this series is just a repeat of the previous series with some of the names changed, and I certainly used to think that myself. Now that I’ve read this book again I think that’s unfair — the story…
The Stainless Steel Rat for President
I need a break from all this serious reading, and the Stainless Steel Rat books are always amusing. In fact, this book was much better than the previous two I have read (The Stainless Steel Rat Saves The World and The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You) as it didn’t suffer from the incredibly weak plot…
Fixed LibraryThing links
I only just realized that the links to LibraryThing that I automatically insert into book posts only work if you have a LibraryThing account. I’ve now fixed that so that there is a link to a public page, as well as a link to your personal library if you use LibraryThing and also have a…