The guys behind the PKD android project — very cool in a geeky way. Jimmy Carter — very cool in an unbreaking the world way. Oh, and apparently you’re always a President, even if you’re no longer in office, and you’re meant to stand when a President enters the room. Oh, and clapping means “yes”.
Category: Google
Giving Google Analytics a go
Just when you think you have a good idea for an application, you’re employer announces that they now have one in the form of a web analytics package. So, I’ve set it up here, which took all of about two minutes, and am giving it a go.
What’s happening with
Gordon at work asks me what is happening with If you hit the site, then you get the Google search interface. This is because of the DNS configuration for the domain: challenger:~# host is an alias for is an alias for has address has address…
A first taste of Google blog reader
So, Google has released a beta of their bloglines equivalent service, and given that Liferea crashes about four times a day for me I thought I would give it a go. Login et cetera is easy, and the user interface is nice and AJAXy. It’s fairly intuitive as well, although when I was importing my…
Why does every man and his dog put man pages online?
So, I know that I have a few man pages online, but then again I wrote either the code they document, or some of the generation toolchain to create them, so I think that is different. Why does every man and his dog feel that he should put man pages online? It actually makes it…
Alternate queries on results pages making it easier for future evilness?
John Battelle implies that the new search result page being testing by Google could make evilness easier in the future. The premise is that offering alternate queries might be useful now, but it would make it easier to insert paid listings later. I’m confused though, and John doesn’t have a comment link in his RSS…