Now that we’ve defeated QNAP’s slightly broken udev, we can run a Docker container with rtl_433 in it to wire up our Vevor 7in1 weather station to Home Assistant via MQTT. First off, we need a Docker container running rtl_433, which assumes you’ve already setup the udev rule mentioned in the previous post, even if…
Category: HomeAssistant
Hacking on Arlec Christmas lights with tasmota
I’m loving the wide array of electrically certified home automation devices we’re seeing now. Light bulbs, sensors, power boards, and even Christmas lights. Specifically Arlec is shipping these app controllable Christmas lights this year, which looked very much like they should work with Tasmota. (Sorry for the terrible product picture, I can’t find this product…
1-Wire home automation tutorial from 2019, part 3
This is the third in a set of posts about the home automation tutorial from 2019. You should probably read part 1 and part 2 before this post. In the end Alistair decided that my home automation shield was defective, which is the cause of the errors from the past post. So I am…
1-Wire home automation tutorial from 2019, part 2
For the actual on-the-day work, delegates were handed a link to these instructions in github. If you’re playing along at home, you should probably read 1-Wire home automation tutorial from 2019, part 1 before attempting the work described here. Its especially important that you know the IP address of your board for example. Relay tweaks…
1-Wire home automation tutorial from 2019, part 1
I didn’t get much of a chance to work through the home automation tutorial at 2019 because I ended up helping others in the room get their Orange Pi is booting. Now that things have settled down after the conference, I’ve had a chance to actually do some of the tutorial myself. These are…
Brilliant Smart Wifi plug with Tasmota
A couple of weeks ago I was playing with Tuya derived smart light globes (Mirabella Genio from K-Mart Australia in my case, but there are a variety of other options as well). Now Bunnings has the Brillant Smart Wifi Plug on special for $20 and I decided to give that a go as well, given…
Mirabella Genio smart lights with Tasmota and Home Assistant
One of the things I like about Home Assistant is that it allows you to take hardware from a bunch of various vendors and stitch it together into a single consistent interface. So for example I now have five home automation vendor apps on my phone, but don’t use any of them because Home Assistant…
Support for Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi GPIOs in Home Assistant
So, I’ve been off in the GPIO library salt mines for a while, but am now ready to circle back and document how to get GPIO inputs and outputs working in Home Assistant. This now works on both Raspberry Pi and OrangePi, assuming that my patch gets merged. First off, let’s talk about GPIO outputs….
Pull Requests for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial
A quick list of things I did for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial. Of course Alistair did a lot more, but I still want to track these. Add OrangePi GPIO support to Home Assistant (declined) Document OrangePi GPIO support in Home Assistant (declined) Add OrangePi Prime GPIO pinouts to OPi.GPIO (merged, and released) Expose pullup…
Further adventures in Home Assistant OrangePi GPIO
Its funny how a single sentence can change your course. In the last post about this work, I said: We also need to run hass as root, because OrangePi GPIO support requires access to /dev/mem for reasons I haven’t dug into just yet. That’s turned out to be (reasonably) a pretty big sticking point upstream. Access to…