Sydney, Australia is in Google Maps. Satellite imagery only, but it’s a start. Via the Unofficial Google Weblog. [icbm: home]
Category: Link
Interesting technique for finding leaks in code
So, your code leaks and you need a technique for finding what object you’re leaking, so grab a couple of addresses at random and dump them. Chances are, they’re the object your leaking. This technique is so sexy in it’s beauty. [icbm: home]
Ministry of re-shelving
Re-shelve copies of 1984 under “current affairs” or “politics” in your local bookshop. [icbm: work]
Nice introduction to Fourier Transforms
From Wikipedia. [icbm: dcs]
This morning I was pondering the origins of the goose step march
And then Slate clarified the history of this ridiculous piece of militaria. [icbm: dcs]
Chapter seven of the shop manual
“As he stared at her ample bosom, he daydreamed of the dual Stromberg carburettors in his vintage Triumph Spitfire, highly functional yet pleasingly formed, perched prominently on top of the intake manifold, aching for experienced hands, the small knurled caps of the oil dampeners begging to be inspected and adjusted as described in chapter seven…
Using an Intel PCI modem as a FXO card
Some of the Linux Aus mob have been interested in FXO cards recently. Perhaps they’re interested in using an Intel PCI modem as one? [tags: asterisk voip fxo intel modem pci] [icbm: home]
Google maps used to map US casualties from Iraq
A map which shows US casualties by home town. That’s a lot of people, and it’s a lot less than the Iraqis have lost. I have a lot of sympathy for America, and for the people of Iraq I guess to. What is this whole conflict improving? [tags: iraq war] [icbm: name=”Hotel Avante, Mountain View,…
Old languages
I have a friend who used to code in an ancient and archaic language that was used for things like starting fires and planning assaults on the wooly mammoth. You know — an old language. [tags: language old age] [icbm: work]
Make Magazine: Building a Myth TV Box part 1
A guide on how to build a myth tv box. I know a few people who might be interested in this… [tags: mythtv tivo make oreilly magazine howto] [icbm: dcs]