As for Starfish Prime, because there is almost no air at an altitude of 400 kilometres, no fireball formation occurred, although manifold other notable effects did occur. About 1500 kilometres (930 statute miles) away in Hawaii, the Electromagnetic pulse created by the explosion was felt as three hundred street lights failed, television sets and radios…
Category: Link
Nature’s write up of SciFoo day one
By the time I got to the SciFoo venue at the Googleplex yesterday evening, it was already swarming with other great people, most of whom I knew only by name and reputation. After some food, beer and chat in the evening sun, the event proper kicked off with a brief introduction by Tim O’Reilly and…
Hmmm, even more Police Academy
The Police Academy has problems with sexual harassment, as well as people bringing random firearms to class. I guess the next step is an article about one of the students showing up with an amazing ability to do voice sound effects. Via Crap On, which I found with The Australian Index which is an aggregator…
Did I mention it’s hot here?
California is suffering under a record heat wave, I find it odd that people debate whether there is global warming, when we keep hitting new temperature records. Then again, as a single person I feel rather unempowered to actually do much about fixing the whole thing.
Hmmm, this seems a little bit too much like a Police Academy movie to make me comfortable
A NSW Police trainee has been arrested and stood down after he paraded his personal collection of illegal replica firearms at the Goulburn Police Academy. How a trainee cop came to class armed to the teeth.
Car engine diagnostics
It’s interesting that car engine diagnostics have been standardised in the US since 1996, and you can buy consumer grade readout devices for your car. I wonder if that means that they’re standardised in Australia and that I never realized? This sort of thing is probably of interest to lots of hardware hackers.
Cadbury doesn’t own purple?
I worked at the Australian Trade Mark office when Cadbury applied for their purple trade mark. That mark has now been litigated on a couple of times and it looks like it’s not so certain a thing. Interesting, especially given the IPAustralia web site still has information about the original grant online, without any mention…
Man tripping on LSD thinks he’s a bridge troll
A most excellent hallucination if i do say so myself.
What is the point that people’s morals evaporate?
Apparently people’s morals evaporate at around $1.39 a litre. That’s good to know. Is it therefore safe to predict widespread anarchy when fuel gets to $2 a litre?
What would you ask Mr T if you met him Starbucks?
I don’t know if this is the perfect question or not, but it is certainly a first order approximation.