Some folk at LCA expressed interest in my video blog aggregator for MythTV. I’ve cleaned it up, and just sent out the first release:
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:38:04 -0800 From: Michael StillTo: Discussion about mythtv Subject: MythIpTv Beta 1 Hi. I've been recently wanting a video blog aggregator which integrates with MythTV. Specifically, I wanted the videos to appear as recordings. I've had a horrible script for that for a few months, but ended up cleaning it up when it occurred to me that Akimbo ( is just a per user RSS feed, and something a lot like MythTV. So, I wrote MythIpTv. It takes RSS feeds, imports the entries in the feed and builds a TODO list. It then downloads shows and imports them into the MythTV recordings menu. The code has only been tested by me, so if you're interested in giving it a try, please take good backups. You can find the code here: Before use, you need to make a temporary data directory in your current working directory: mkdir data You use mythiptv like this: ./mythiptv --url <url to RSS feed> <show title> or ./mythiptv --file <RSS file on local disk> <show title> I've been using Google Video to test this, as the AVI format they use is natively supported by the MythTV player. This isn't true for a lot of RSS feeds and transcoding isn't implemented yet, so if you want something to test with, you might want to use the same command line as me: ./mythiptv --url "" "Goole EngEdu" That command just builds a TODO list. You then need to download some of the shows. You do that like this: ./mythiptv --download <number of shows to download> Once downloaded, the shows will appear in the recordings menu. I would be really interested in people's comments on the code, and suggestions for improvement. There are a couple of things I know about already: - it really needs transcoding - the is no graphical UI yet Cheers, Mikal