Gordon’s blog gets quoted by Fortune, which is really cool, although it does worry me that Fortune seems to think that journalism is blogging about other people’s blogs. Does this mean that real journalists have abdicated their responsibility to collect new information? [icbm: home]
ThinkPads return to bricks and mortar retail in the US
I didn’t realize they’d ever left stores, but now you can get ThinkPads at bricks and mortar stores in the US. Given my impending travel, come to pappa… [icbm: home]
All racehorses descended from 28 horses
“All thoroughbred racehorses alive today are descended from an elite group of 28 animals imported from the Middle East and North Africa 300 years ago, according to a new genetic study presented at the British Association Festival of Science in Dublin.” Interesting. [icbm: work]
What’s happening with frozenchicken.com?
Gordon at work asks me what is happening with www.frozenchicken.com. If you hit the site, then you get the Google search interface. This is because of the DNS configuration for the domain: challenger:~# host www.frozenchicken.com www.frozenchicken.com is an alias for www.google.com. www.google.com is an alias for www.l.google.com. www.l.google.com has address www.l.google.com has address…
Bike crash
More details later, but I had a badish bike crash on Wednesday night, and spent a lot of yesterday at doctors and being xrayed. More details when I get the time to write them up… [icbm: work]
Coffee and beer in one glass
Via dad-net we learn of coffee beer, a fermented coffee drink which isn’t alcoholic, and resembles a mix of beer and coffee. Ewwww. [icbm: dcs]
What’s that grinding noise?
Dad I were riding a week or so ago, and I had just come down a nice hill where I had been going over 50 kilometres and hour… Towards the end the brakes on the rear wheel started to make a grinding noise as I slowed down. I’m a bit of a bike newbie, so…
Sony’s CD DRM acts like spyware on Windows
Sony’s DRMed CDs install spyware on Windows. Hurrah! [icbm: work]
Status of the book
The book has been written for a while, along with the technical editing and review. The copy edits have been done since last week. There are only two chapters left for page layout. The process has been interesting, educational, and in some parts long. The hardest part though? Ironically, it’s filling in the marketing questionnaire….
All airline tickets now booked…
Not that it was such a pain that I now feel I’ve really achieved something or anything.