Now that I have GPIO outputs working nicely for Home Assistant using either a Raspberry Pi or an Orange Pi, I want to get GPIO inputs working as well. Naively, that’s pretty easy to do in python on the Raspberry Pi: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) while True: print('Reading…')…
Pull Requests for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial
A quick list of things I did for the LCA2019 Home Automation tutorial. Of course Alistair did a lot more, but I still want to track these. Add OrangePi GPIO support to Home Assistant (declined) Document OrangePi GPIO support in Home Assistant (declined) Add OrangePi Prime GPIO pinouts to OPi.GPIO (merged, and released) Expose pullup…
Further adventures in Home Assistant OrangePi GPIO
Its funny how a single sentence can change your course. In the last post about this work, I said: We also need to run hass as root, because OrangePi GPIO support requires access to /dev/mem for reasons I haven’t dug into just yet. That’s turned out to be (reasonably) a pretty big sticking point upstream. Access to…
Adventures in Home Assistant Raspberry Pi GPIO
Alastair D’Silva is running what looks to be a very well prepared home automation tutorial at LCA2019 based on Home Assistant. I offered to have a hack on the support for GPIO pins on OrangePi boards in Home Assistant because it sounded interesting for a vacation week. The only catch being that I’d never done anything…
The Consuming Fire
Another fast run read from Mr Scalzi, this book is the sequel to The Collapsing Empire. I think this book is actually better than the first, which I guess is fair given the first had to set the universe up. I particularly like the twist about two thirds of the way through this one, and I…
HomeAssistant configuration
I’ve recently been playing with HomeAssistant, which is quite cool. Its not perfect — for example it broke recently for me without any debug logs indicating problems because it didn’t want to terminate SSL any more, but its better than anything else I’ve seen so far. Along the way its been super handy to be…
Chaos Monkeys
A very well written tale of a Wall Street quant who left during the GFC to adventure in startup land and ended up at Facebook attempting to solve their monetization problems for an indifferent employer. Martinez must have been stomping around Mountain View because his description of the environment and what its like to work…
Its been ages since I’ve read a book in a couple of days, let alone stayed up late when I really shouldn’t in order to finish a book. Artemis is the book which broke me out of that rut — this is a fun, clever, light read. Its quite different when compared to The Martian, but…
A very readable set of essays from Robyn Williams, the broadcaster of the Australian Science Show, not the comedian. Covering the state of modern science, journalism, the ABC, and whether modern democracy is doomed in an approachable and very readable form. I enjoyed this book greatly. A good Sunday morning and vacation read if you’re…
Scared Weird Frozen Guy
The true life story of a kid from Bribie Island (I’ve been there!) running a marathon in Antartica, via being a touring musical comedian, doing things like this: This book is an interesting and light read, and came kindly recommended by Michael Carden, who pretty much insisted I take the book off him at a…