I’ve had a bit of a thing about biographies recently, having just read the very good The Crossroad by Mark Donaldson. This book is a very different story, but I think still quite interesting. Kellie was a country girl with no real plans and an impulse control problem. While the book follows her formative years…
The Chronicles of Old Guy
I found this e-book on Amazon while randomly poking around and read it on a recent set of flights. It was of interest because if looked like another bolo tank book, of which I have read many over the years. That said, its not in strictly the same universe as the other bolo books, and…
Mount Stranger one last time
This is the last walk in this series, which was just a pass through now that the rain has stopped to make sure that we hadn’t left any markers or trash lying around after the Scout orienteering a week ago. This area has really grown on me — I think most people stick to the…
A walk in the Orroral Valley
Last weekend was a walk in the Orroral Valley with a group of scout leaders. Embarrassingly, I’d never been in this area before, and its lovely — especially at the moment after all the rain we’ve had. Easy terrain, and a well marked path for this walk. The only catch is that there’s either a…
Halo: The Fall of Reach
As someone who doesn’t play computer games and has never played a Halo game, I find myself in the strange position of having read a Halo book. This book is the first in the chronological lineage, and explains the history of the Spartan program which produced the Master Chief. I decided to read this after…
CBC Navigation Course
This was the GPS followup to the previous map and compass navigation exercise. A really nice walk, apart from crazy horse lady. The walk also included another visit to Forster trig. I’m not sure if its the time of year or the direction of approach, but this ascent was much nicer than my previous one,…
Geocaching at the base of Mount Ainslie
I have a bit of a backlog of posts about recent walks which I am working through. Last week I found myself in Ainslie for an appointment which ended at lunch time, so I figured I’d go for a walk. There is a series of geocaches near Campbell Park West (a set of office buildings…
Lunchtime geocaching
So, I didn’t get to sleep last night until 4:30am because of a combination of work meetings and small children, so today was a pretty weird day for me. I was having a lot of trouble concentrating at lunch time, so I decided a walk was the least worst thing I could do with my…
Garran green strip
When I was a teenager my best mate lived in a house which backs onto this smallish reserve and we used to walk his dog here heaps. I had a few spare moments yesterday, so I was keen to do a quick explore and see what its like now. The short answer is that its…
Wandering around Curtin
I decided to go on a little walk on the way home from a work lunch and I don’t regret it. This is a nice area, which I was exploring for geocaches. I probably wouldn’t have come here at all, but it was the second part of the “Trees of Curtin” walk from Best Bush,…