I was disappointed by this book. The previous Hitchhiker’s books set a very high bar, and the humor in this one falls flat for me. Additionally, the seemingly constant “guide note” interjections are just plain annoying. Overall, I didn’t like this one. Title: And Another Thing … Author: Eoin Colfer, Douglas Adams, Genre: Fiction Publisher:…
Von Neumann’s War
A Von Neumann probe is an automated self replicating machine which is sent into space to map and possibly prepare for human exploration. What would happen if we were the victims of someone else’s Von Neumann probes run amuck? This book is typical Ringo in that it is about an apocalyptic invasion from outer space,…
Princess of Wands
This book is very different from John Ringo‘s books (or at least the ones I have read). This one revolves around a cross between a soccer mom and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Its a fun, relatively light read and doesn’t have nearly as much combat as the other Ringo books I’ve encountered. The book takes…
The Stainless Steel Rat Returns
Harry Harrison is back to reprise his Stainless Steel Rat series. This book is much like the others — think light fiction with contrived situations, but a bit of fun. In other words, much like the rest of Harrison’s work. This book isn’t the best Rat book, but it also isn’t the worst and given…
Canberra’s LCA2013 bid
I’m really proud of the hard work that all of the Canberra 2013 team has done in preparing our bid for LCA 2013. I just sent off the emails making our bid formal. Here’s what I said on the linux-aus mailing list: Hello. I am pleased to present Canberra’s bid for linux.conf.au 2013. It is…
The Princess Bride
To be honest, I think the movie is better. The story in the movie is simpler, but also more beautiful. I think the embroidery around the edges of the story in the book detract from the overall story, and the asides start out cute but end up just being annoying. [isbn: 0345348036]
The Light Fantastic
A short little note about this one, as I am sure everyone has already read it. This was better than The Colour of Magic (more polished, cleverer, funnier), but still not as good as I remember the Pratchett books being from my childhood. This book to ages to read, I suspect because it just wasn’t…
Mistress of the Empire
This is the third book in this series (preceded by Daughter of the Empire and Servant of the Empire). I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the other two, and put off reading it for ages. I think the problem is that the book feels padded, and keeps going for too long. I liked…
This book examines the lives of the newly wealthy in America. Its a little dated, in that it was written before the recent real estate crash, but apart from that is a very good book. It is readable, interesting, and raises some interesting questions about what will happen with wealth in an increasingly globalized world….
The Bad Popes
This book focuses on bad popes from the middle ages, and there were some hilariously bad popes in that period. The story is interesting and engaging, even if the commentary is a bit dry in places. However, given this is a factual well references history book, it is surprisingly readable. I enjoyed it. [isbn: 0750933372]