This book takes place over almost exactly the same period as Moreta. However, its not a rehash of those events, as it is written from a different person’s perspective. There are enough points where the two story lines meet for the books to make sense as a pair, and I’d recommend reading them back to…
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern
Moreta is a book about a pandemic, and its hard to make those fun… If you’ve bothered to find out anything about the book in advance (or read the preceding Pern books, where it is referred to), you know that its not going to be a fun ride. On the other hand, the book is…
Better Than Life
This is the second novelized book from the guys who wrote Red Dwarf. The first book of course shares its name with the name of the TV series. This book deviates from the plot line used in the TV series, and at some points feels more like a summary of the series than a novelization….
Red Dwarf
This book was exciting because its the first book I have read on the spur of the moment after perusing my book shelves — for the first time in many years I have my entire collection out of boxes on on shelves, which makes it much easier to just grab something to read. This book…
The King’s Buccaneer
I really liked this book, as I do most of Feist’s work, although he does have a talent for writing books which are long. This book continues the story line from the Magician (Apprentice and Master), Silverthorn and A Darkness at Sethanon. I like that, and have felt for a while that Prince of the…
Books read in September 2009
Dragonsinger Dragondrums Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Robots and Aliens: Maverick Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store (online short story) Days of Blood and Fire The Stars Must Wait Bolo Brigade
Deadly Exposure
This book isn’t very good. I read it because my six year old son really liked the front cover art, and wanted me to read it. He wanted me to read it so much in fact that he bought two copies to give me. The book starts off with something which feels like its lifted…
Incorrect channel numbers in MythTV
We’ve had a HDHomeRun for a while now, and I’m very happy with it. One wart however was that Catherine was complaining that tuning for Go! didn’t work (an extra Win TV channel we get in this area). It was odd — it appeared in the channel guide, but recordings would end up recording ABC1…
Bolo Brigade
There seems to be a formula for bolo books — an obsolete bolo or two, and alien invader, a solitary bolo commander, and preferably a management chain which either doesn’t trust bolos, the officer, or preferably both. Its even better if the chain of command is also grossly incompetent. This book has all of those,…
The Stars Must Wait
This book is a novelization of “Night of the Trolls”, which I have already read as part of The Compleat Bolo and Battlefields Beyond Tomorrow. I’m pretty fond of the short story, and this book version didn’t start out strongly — there is a prelude to explain some background, and then the book launches into…