Some cool people commented on bugs in the etld library in the previous post about it. I’ve taken the opportunity to fix the bug, and a new release is now available at If you’ve got specific examples of domains which either didn’t work previously, or don’t work now, let me know. I want to…
Category: Python
Posts relating to the python programming language.
Python effective TLD library update
The effective TLD library is now being used for a couple of projects of mine, but I’ve had some troubles with it being almost unusable slow. I ended up waking up this morning with the revelation that the problem is that I use regexps to match domain names, but the failure of a match occurs…
Python effective TLD library
I had a need recently for a library which would take a host name and return the domain-specific portion of the name, and the effective TLD being used. “Effective TLD” is a term coined by the Mozilla project for something which acts like a TLD. For example, .com is a TLD and has domains allocated…
Calculating a SSH host key with paramiko
I needed to compare a host key from something other than a known_hosts file with what paramiko reports as part of the SSH connection today. If you must know, the host keys for these machines are retrieved a XMLRPC API… It turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. Here’s how I produced…
Killing a blocking thread in python?
It seems that there is no way of killing a blocking thread in python? The standard way of implementing thread death seems to be to implement an exit() method on the class which is the thread, and then call that when you want the thread to die. However, if the run() method of the thread…
Packet capture in python
I’m home sick with a cold today and got bored. I wanted to play with packet capture in python, and the documentation for pcapy is a little sparse. I therefore wrote this simple little sample script: #!/usr/bin/python # A simple example of how to use pcapy. This needs to be run as root. import datetime…
Finding locking deadlocks in python
I re-factored some code today, and in the process managed to create a lock deadlock for myself. In the end it turned out to be an exception was being thrown when a lock was held, and adding a try / finally resolved the real underlying problem. However, in the process I ended up writing this…
paramiko exec_command timeout
I have a paramiko program which sshs to a large number of machines, and sometimes it hits a machine where Channel.exec_command() doesn’t return. I know this is a problem with the remote machine, because the same thing happens when I try to ssh to the machine from the command line. However, I don’t have any…
Weird paramiko problem
I had a strange paramiko problem the other day. Sometimes executing a command through a channel (via the exec_command() call) would result in an exit code being returned, but no stdout or stderr. This was for a command I was absolutely sure always returns output, and it wasn’t consistent — I’d run batches of commands…
Executing a command with paramiko
I wanted to provide a simple example of how to execute a command with paramiko as well. This is quite similar to the scp example, but is nicer than executing a command in a shell because there isn’t any requirement to do parsing to determine when the command has finished executing. #!/usr/bin/python # A simple…