Since the last update on the beer fridge, we’ve had to do some murdering of the original PCB to get it to fit in a case. In addition, we’d failed to take into account the startup power draw for the compressor (5 amps), and had to upgrade the relay we’re using from a 3 amp…
Tag: beer
Beer fridge controller 0.3
Last night Doug made up the first cut of the PCB for the beer fridge controller mentioned in previous posts, and we fitted the arduino to it. There wasn’t much in the way of software changes, apart from changing the pin that the compressor runs on. You can see here that we’ve mounted both the…
Beer fridge controller 0.2
Further to yesterday’s post about the beer fridge thermostat replacement, I’ve been hacking on ethernet support for the controller. This is handy because I’d like to log the temperature and compressor state over the network, because I’m hoping that can be used to make calculations about the thermal mass of the contents of the fridge,…
Beer fridge controller 0.1
On the weekend I picked up a 220 liter beer fridge for $20. Its in really good condition (ignoring some minor rust in the freezer section), and the only real problem with it is that the thermostat doesn’t work leaving the compressor on the whole time. Doug suggested that instead of just buying a new…
Surprise for the day: Australian beer is cheaper in the US than in Australia
Image stolen from Woolworth’s Homeshop My two favourite Australian beers would have to be Coopers Pale Ale, and the Malt Shovel Brewery Amber Ale. In fact, I am half way through a MSB now, which might explain my terrible spelling in this post. Then again, it might also be that I’ve been working away for…
Coffee and beer in one glass
Via dad-net we learn of coffee beer, a fermented coffee drink which isn’t alcoholic, and resembles a mix of beer and coffee. Ewwww. [icbm: dcs]