Well, I registered a while ago, but I picked up the conference satchel et cetera today. It’s a canvas satchel much like LCA 2005, but with fewer goodies (and more paper). There is one cool thing — I got to pick an O’Reilly book about MySQL to have in the bag. Interestingly, there is a…
Tag: conference
Registered for MySQL User Conference 2006
Well, I registered a while ago, but I picked up the conference satchel et cetera today. It’s a canvas satchel much like LCA 2005, but with fewer goodies (and more paper). There is one cool thing — I got to pick an O’Reilly book about MySQL to have in the bag. Interestingly, there is a…
VTA station for the Santa Clara Convention Center
I’m doing public transport research for MySQL user’s conference next week. Here is how to get from the VTA station at Old Ironsides to the Santa Clara Convention Center.
MySQL User Conference coming up
Stewart has a new toy for his MySQL User Conference presentation, which is probably for the best as I fully intend to ask why MySQL replication is so unreliable, why Innodb hot backup appears to hate me, and lots of other biting questions if I think of them. It does make me wonder what other…
MySQL user’s conference
Arjen, I am now registered for the MySQL user’s conference. See you there.
MySQL user’s conference
Ok, Arjen, enough with the conference announcements… I’ll talk to my boss tomorrow about coming along. The conference is after all only about a 20 minute drive from my new apartment. It might even help to know some more about MySQL.